Tag Archives: high expectation

TALK ABOUT: Oz The Not So Great Or Powerful…

11 Mar

Hi guys!

I was out on the weekend and decided to watch a movie with a friend.
She was very keen on seeing Hansel and Gretal: Witch Hunters, but as I’m personally a scardy cat and can’t handle anything confronting, there was no way I was going to see a film rated ‘R’ for “strong amounts of violence and gore”…

So! We ended up seeing Oz The Great And Powerful.

I had high expectations for this. Okay maybe not sky high. It is about the Wizard of Oz after all. But considering the whole entertainment industry went insane over it and considering there are custom made Urban Decay palettes, I did think it was going to be a relatively good movie!

Urban Decay: Oz Palettes

Urban Decay: Oz Palettes

Apparently not.

Okay so it’s a prequel of The Wizard of Oz. It’s a fairytale. It’s adapted from a children’s bedtime story. But it was not a good enough movie for all the hype!
The acting was way too dramatic and the make up on all 3 witches were only mediocre.
Even kids movies are entertaining to some extent for the average adult. Oz The Great and Powerful though was a disappointment and a half.

FYI: my friend and I had our phones out halfway through the movie.
Yes it was that bad.

I must say though, the mise en scene of the film was quite impressive. Colours, location design, the display of Land of Oz wonders was very well executed. The story itself just lacked.

The make up:

Back to the hype of the film, I was expecting outstanding make up and costumes but everything seemed fairly mediocre to me.

Evanora (played by Rachel Weiz) didn’t have any looks worth noting.

Oz The Great And Powerful: Evanora

Oz The Great And Powerful: Evanora

Theodora (played by Mila Kunis) simply sporting a dark brown eye look before *SPOILER ALERT* she became green all over.

Oz The Great And Powerful: Theodora

Oz The Great And Powerful: Theodora

The only other character that had slightly notable make up was Glinda, the good witch (played by Michelle Williams).

Oz The Great And Powerful: Glinda

Oz The Great And Powerful: Glinda

She had a soft silver glittery eye that matched the silver dress she wore throughout the film.
There was this constant lone strand of hair that was sitting across her face all the time though, that was so annoying to see! No curl, no wave – it was sitting limp along her face, pulling away all the class that the rest of her exuded.

Initially I thought it could’ve been a sign of distress. Since she was going through a few hiccups throughout the movie. But NO! By the end of it, when the happy ending rolled around, that strand of hair was still there! No attractive.

Witch: Glinda. Horrible lone strand of hair!

Witch: Glinda. Horrible lone strand of hair!

This is a relatively good version of the strand of hair… but see what I mean?? What is that??

Deep breath. Life goes on.

Anyhow, that’s my little rant.
Though Glinda’s make up was a little different to what you’d normally see, I don’t think anything in regards to costume and beauty was worth all the talk.

Sorry if you disagree but… I just didn’t get it.

Let’s hope my next cinematic experience is better than this one. But for now…

